Hell, Hallelujahs, and Beautiful Feet in Handel’s Messiah: Theological Reflections on Part II Scenes 2–7
Part II of Handel’s Messiah builds towards an exultant “Hallelujah!” What merits such praise?
The Messiah and Psalm 22: A Carol of The King
Do you hear that sound? It’s God’s Messiah King, screaming in the dark. Merry Christmas. It’s the carol of the King.
At Last, the King: Handel’s Messiah Sections 18–21
There is an already, not-yet kingdom that will endure for eternity. Jesus Christ came as its king.
3.58 Thomas R. Schreiner • Reading • “The World Turned Upside Down: George Ladd on the Kingdom”
Listen in on Thomas R. Schreiner’s Article entitled, “The World Turned Upside Down: George Ladd on the Kingdom.”
3.57 Graeme Goldsworthy • Reading • “The Kingdom of God”
Listen in on Graeme Goldsworthy’s Essay entitled, “The Kingdom of God.”
The Kingdom of God
What is the kingdom of God like? And to what shall we compare it?
Praying for the Peace of Israel: A Theological Proposal and a Prayer
You’re at a prayer meeting. You’re asked to pray for the peace of Israel (Ps. 122). Who and what do you pray for?
The Gospel is Better than Amnesty
God does not deal with our sins by simply granting amnesty, choosing to forget they ever happened. Instead, he mercifully forgives sin, yet maintains his perfect justice by punishing sin in Christ.