Christ Over All is a fellowship of pastor-theologians dedicated to helping the church see Christ as Lord and everything else under his feet.†

The most deadly enemy is the one that you underestimate. If sin is missing or misunderstood from our view, then we are less able to recognize and repent of it. Sin does not like to be discovered, but exposing it is part of the Christian’s task (Eph. 5:11). This month, our aim is to shine light on the true nature of sin before the public consciousness—to understand it, correct false notions of it, and renew an appreciation for the one who conquered it. Bring your flashlight.

Crossway Publishers is graciously providing a free pdf copy of The Final Days of Jesus to readers of Christ Over All for the month of April.

Featured Articles


Where Would We Be Without Genesis 3? Understanding the Significance of Sin

By Stephen Wellum
Genesis 3 alone gives us the only true explanation of our problem along with the Bible’s glorious solution in our Lord Jesus Christ.

What is Man? Looking to Christ for the Answer (Part 2)

By Michael A. Wilkinson
In order to know what makes us fully human, we must know what makes Christ fully human. Learn the theses of a Chalcedonian anthropology.

“Give What You Command, and Then Command Whatever You Will”: Augustine, Pelagius, and the Question of Original Sin

No debate in the history of the church has been more important for the doctrine of sin than the debate between Augustine and Pelagius

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Minimized Corruption: A Roman Catholic Theology of Sin

What happens when mercy, at the expense of sin, becomes ingrained as the central message of the Bible? We find out in Rome’s story.

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Talking about Sin is Hard: Its Covenantal Background and the Challenge of Modernity

We are not merely “broken”; we are “wicked.” The former language minimizes our culpability and takes away from the legal and covenantal responsibility.

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The Columns

“Give What You Command, and Then Command Whatever You Will”: Augustine, Pelagius, and the Question of Original Sin

By Brad Green
No debate in the history of the church has been more important for the doctrine of sin than the debate between Augustine and Pelagius
Recent Columns

The Podcast

Jesus Christ reigns over all things, and this podcast exists to help people see the reality and ramifications of this truth. We post at least four times a month: Twice, we will read aloud a longform essay from our monthly theme. And twice, we will discuss each essay with its author and another Christian leader. Listen in to live in light of Christ’s Lordship.

Upcoming Themes

In keeping with our vision to edify the church with evergreen content, our website is organized around monthly themes. These themes may focus on the Bible, theology, church, or culture. Over the course of the year we cover all these vital areas. There is a place for real-time responsiveness to cultural and evangelical controversy, but monthly themes do not focus on that priority. Rather, we plan our themes months in advance, curating a stable of writers with tailored assignments. Our hope is to foster mature and biblically-grounded reflection. To that end, with acknowledgement that all we plan is subject to God’s will, here are Christ Over All’s upcoming themes.

About Christ Over All

Christ Over All is a ministry that aspires to edify the church with evergreen content that will help the church think in biblical categories and apply Christ’s preeminence to all areas of life. In an age where the internet is often hyper-reactive and hostile, we will take a different path.

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