A Christ Over All Press Release: Steve Wellum’s Systematic Theology is Here


At the risk of writing an advertisement-as-essay, I want to share some good news, bad news, better news, and the best news about Steve Wellum’s new book, Systematic Theology (Volume 1): From Canon to Concept.

First, the Good News.

Today marks the release date of Steve Wellum’s new systematic theology. And if you haven’t purchased a copy, you can do that here (but read the rest of this advert-essay first). As Trent Hunter and I noted on the podcast, we are deeply indebted to Steve for his investment in our lives. This is true theologically and personally, and we rejoice to see his work being shared with others, and for others to share in the joy of this long-anticipated theology text.

Now, the Bad News.

For some of you, you might have to wait to see his new book. This morning, I received word that Systematic Theology (Volume 1): From Canon to Concept is on back order from LifeWay. This is not terribly surprising, because countless friends, former students, pastors, theologians, and others have pre-ordered Steve’s book. Nevertheless, backorders can be disappointing. So, with that we have some new and better news.

The Better News.

Despite its high demand, Christ Over All has five signed copies of Steve’s book that we are planning to give away this month to residents in the contiguous United States. Here are three ways you can enter to win one of these copies. (And yes, you can enter up to three times).

  1. Sign Up. You can sign up for our monthly newsletter, if you haven’t done that yet. All new subscribers from today to February 25 will be entered into the drawing. Sign up here (click the “subscribe to newsletter” on the bottom of the page).
  2. Zoom In. You can join us for our new monthly COA video call where we discuss questions related to the monthly theme and other facets of scripture, theology, and culture. That will happen at noon (EST) on Friday, February 23. Sign up here.
  3. Give. You can also give a donation of $25 or more. All those who give to Christ Over All this month will be added to the drawing. You can give online here (click “support the work” on the bottom of the page).

From all these entries, we will draw five names to announce on the last podcast of the month (Monday, February 26). That’s the better news. And as you read the endorsements for Steve’s book below, you can see why winning (or buying) a copy of this book will be so helpful for growing in the best news.

What is the Best News?

Namely, that Jesus Christ has died for sinners like us, so that our transgressions can be pardoned and our place in God’s household of faith can be secured. Indeed, it is a joy to know the inexpressible gift of God’s grace, but even more, to know that joy with others. That is truly the best news. And knowing our joys are rooted in the grace that is given to us by our triune God, we happily announce the publication of Steve Wellum’s Systematic Theology.

For indeed, Steve is more to us than a theologian par excellence. He is a friend and a faithful laborer for the kingdom. To others, he is also a loving son, brother, husband, father, grandfather, churchman, and preacher. For all of us, he is a faithful instructor in all things biblical and theological.

That’s not to say Steve’s perfect. He’s not. And he would happily acknowledge that. But he is a lot like Nathaniel, “an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deceit.” And one who has told us often: Jesus is God the Son Incarnate and the King who died to save his new covenant people (see John 1:47, 49). Indeed, we give thanks to God for our dear brother and we pray his new book will serve the church in this generation and for generations to come.


A Selection of Endorsements

“Wellum proves himself to be extremely adept at summarizing and synthesizing biblical material, understanding the history of Christian theology, grasping various philosophical schools of thought, and is passionate about bringing his work to bear on contemporary life and practice. This theology is thoroughly Christian and trinitarian, steeped in ancient Christian theological reflection, committed to the best of the Reformation, and convictionally Baptist. It is satisfying to see a first-rate theological mind engage in the theological task. I am excited to see such a robust and forthright new systematic theology come to see the light of day. It is simply excellent, and I look forward to its reception and influence.”

—Bradley G. Green, professor of theological studies, Union University, and professor of philosophy and theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“Stephen Wellum has given us the best systematic theology from the perspective of ‘progressive covenantalism.’ An alternative to both classic Reformed covenant theology and dispensationalism, Wellum casts a wide vision for this ‘third way’ of interpreting Scripture. Although I remain persuaded of the former perspective, I found Wellum’s arguments edifying, challenging and at many points an advance in serious evangelical engagement with Scripture’s own theological framework. Plus, he writes for the church and that aim is evident throughout all of the topics.”

—Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary, California

“We hold in our hands a volume that will become a standard textbook for evangelical seminaries. It will be referenced for decades to come because it truly is a theology driven by the Biblical storyline, grounded in church history, and related to contemporary issues. It shows both the maturity of a seasoned professor and precision of a well-published scholar. Pastors, students, and professors alike will want to learn from it.”

—Christopher W. Morgan, dean and professor of theology, School of Christian Ministries, California Baptist University

“Steve Wellum is one of the most astute and brilliant theologians of our day, and now we are treated to his magnum opus. This volume is a profound systematic theology that draws on biblical theology, historical theology, and philosophy in formulating a coherent and articulate presentation of Christian doctrine. In my mind no one has done this better today than Steve Wellum. He emphasizes that systematic theology is practical—it is theology applied to all of life. We all live, whether we know it or not, based on our systematic theology. Thus, this is a life-changing book that is a must read both for the academy and for the church.”

—Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, and associate dean, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“According to the law of supply and demand, the need for evangelical systematic theologies is not as great as it was twenty years ago—thanks be to God. Yet Wellum’s volume, the first of a promised pair, stands out from the pack, for two reasons. First, it is unashamedly Baptist. Second, and more importantly, Wellum’s systematic theology takes its marching orders from biblical theology. The whole of part three lays out his distinctive progressive covenantal theological framework. The ‘system’ that emerges is one that centers on and magnifies the being and works of the triune God in creating and caring for the world. Readers will find here clearly argued, biblically grounded theological thinking about God and all things in relation to God for the edification of the people of God.”

—Kevin J. Vanhoozer, research professor of systematic theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School



  • David Schrock

    David Schrock is the pastor for preaching and theology at Occoquan Bible Church in Woodbridge, Virginia. David is a two-time graduate of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is a founding faculty member and professor of theology at Indianapolis Theology Seminary. And he is the author of Royal Priesthood and Glory of God along with many journal articles and online essays.

Picture of David Schrock

David Schrock

David Schrock is the pastor for preaching and theology at Occoquan Bible Church in Woodbridge, Virginia. David is a two-time graduate of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is a founding faculty member and professor of theology at Indianapolis Theology Seminary. And he is the author of Royal Priesthood and Glory of God along with many journal articles and online essays.