ENCORE: Ten Reasons Why the Bible is the Greatest of the Great Books


Editor’s note: In June 2024 Christ Over All considered many of the Great Books that have stood the test of time. This article is an encore piece from that month that considers the greatest of the great books.

I read old books—mostly books that are related to interpreting the Bible or books related to church history. Sometimes the author of the book that I am reading will refer to some scholar or divine whom he admires greatly, and he will write something like, “As long as civilization endures, the works of this man will enrich the lives of multitudes of grateful readers.” I have never heard of this man. The works of this alleged genius have not been in print for hundreds of years. I am reminded of Shelly’s poem “Ozymandius,” in which a “traveler from an antique land” tells of coming across the ruins of a huge statue that an ancient ruler had erected in his own honor, and on the pedestal of the statue the words were written, “My name is Ozymandius, king of kings. Look on my works, you mighty, and despair!” For miles around this toppled statue there is nothing but sand. Most greatness is temporary. A fly on the windowpane looks as large as an ox on the distant plain. It is a sobering experience to go to a large library and ponder the fact that no one will ever read the overwhelming majority of the books on the shelves. It is even more sobering to find a copy of one’s own painstakingly written book offered for a few cents in a thrift store. But a few great books continue to be great for hundreds or even thousands of years, and they actually do enrich the lives of multitudes of grateful readers. What makes a book a great book? What follows is a list of ten qualities that make a great book—ten qualities that are all true of the Bible. If another book possessed only three or four of these qualities, it would probably qualify as a great book, but the Bible possesses all ten, making it the greatest book of all.

1. Enduring Significance

The Bible is read more often, more widely, and more thoroughly than is any other great book. One significant evidence that a book deserves to be regarded as great is that readers read it more than once. There are many thousands of Christians who read the Bible every year, and they have done so throughout their lifetimes. Most repeat readers will testify that the Bible continues to enrich their lives with every reading. Not only do people read the Bible, but they also study it carefully in private and in Bible study groups. Thousands of congregations around the world gather every week to hear a sermon that is an explanation of some passage from the Bible. It is safe to say that millions of pages have been written about the works of William Shakespeare, but no one gathers every week with fellow Shakespeare readers to hear a sermon based on a passage from his works. At least some part of the Bible has been translated into nearly 7,000 languages, and the entire Bible has been translated into nearly 700. No other book comes close.

2. Influence for Good

The Bible has had more influence than any other great book. There have been some amazingly influential books. Ancient Greece was deeply influenced by the Iliad and the Odyssey. It has been said that Western Civilization is a series of footnotes on the writings of Plato and Aristotle. Millions live under the domination of political ideas propounded by Karl Marx. Followers of the Koran are numbered in the millions. But the Bible has had more influence than them all, and it has been a good influence. The individual who embraces the teachings of the Bible will be transformed for the better. The family that reads and obeys the Bible will be drastically different from the family that does not. Although the primary message of the Bible is how to be reconciled to God, there are bonus blessings that accompany the teachings of the Bible. The communities that have been under the influence of the Bible have improved education, better healthcare, better human rights, and improved conditions that allow for economic prosperity.

3. Continued Relevance

The Bible has endured and remained relevant longer than other great books. There may be a few books that can claim to be older than the oldest books in the Bible, but those books are read almost exclusively by scholars if they are read at all. Beginning with the books written by Moses before 1,200 BC to the books of the New Testament written in the first century AD, the Bible has been read and revered by people from all walks of life.

4. Answers to Big Questions

The Bible provides answers to life’s enduring questions like no other book. One of the unique features of the Bible is that the religion taught in the Bible is a religion that requires more than outward conformity to rules. The God of the Bible looks upon the heart, and he instructs the inner person. Consequently, the Bible teaches foundational principles of righteousness that are applicable to every question in every age. For example, we are no longer required to offer animal sacrifices, but the principle that we must approach God through a sacrifice remains true today. Though the Ten Commandments were given to Israel over 3,000 years ago, they are a summary of enduring moral principles.

5. Literary Brilliance

The Bible contains great stories. What story can surpass the drama and beauty of the stories of Joseph, Noah, Esther, and Daniel in the lions’ den? Little boys have been inspired by the story of David and Goliath for millennia. Jesus told great, memorable stories: the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, and the Rich Man and Lazarus are all stories that have become part of the fabric of Judeo-Christian culture. The life of David and the life of Christ are engaging stories that deserve a place in great literature quite apart from their religious significance.

6. Wisdom for the Ages

The Bible contains great wisdom. The person who possesses wisdom is able not only to discern what is best; he also can see the course of action that will lead to what is best—and then he will pursue that course. Several books in the Bible are classified as wisdom literature, but the entire Bible is full of wisdom. If it be true that there is a God and he reveals in the Bible the only way for us to glorify him and enjoy him forever, then the Bible is the wisest of all books.

7. Great Poetry

The Bible contains great poetry. Some of the greatest books in the great books canon are books of poetry: The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Aeneid, The Divine Comedy, most of Shakespeare, Paradise Lost, etc. Poetry addresses the heart as well as the head. More than any other genre of literature, poetry aims to move the emotions. Perhaps as much as one third of the Bible is poetry, implying that a reader has not understood the truth until he has felt the truth. The poetry of the Bible is for many Christians the only poetry that they ever read, and if they submit to the teaching methods of poetry, then their emotions are moved to love righteousness and hate wickedness.

8. A Record of History

The Bible contains essential history. The story of creation and God’s making man in his own image is fundamental to understanding who we are and why we are here. The history of the Fall explains the presence of sin and misery in this world. The history of God’s dealings with Israel affords a multitude of warnings against rebellious behavior and encouragements towards virtuous behavior. The history of the life and death and resurrection of Jesus gives us information that is essential to our eternal happiness.

9. The Road to True Happiness

The Bible plainly tells us how to be happy now and forever. While there may be portions of the Bible that are difficult for us to understand, the Bible clearly teaches what is necessary for us to be forgiven of our sins and reconciled to God. The Bible teaches us that God is good and forgiving. It teaches us to repent of our sins. It teaches us to receive Christ as Lord and Savior.

10. The Very Words of God

The Bible is God’s Word. It has the greatest author. While each of the sixty-six books of the Bible was written by a human author, they were men who “spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:21), and “all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16). Knowing the Bible is not the same thing as knowing God, but it is impossible for us to know God apart from the Bible.



  • Jim Orrick

    Dr. Jim Orrick is the pastor of Bullitt Lick Baptist Church in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. Over the past 40 years, Dr. Orrick has served in many capacities as an author, professor, poet, musician, speaker, and pastor. Some of his books include Mere Calvinism and Seven Thoughts that Every Christian Ought to Think Every Day: Laying a Foundation for a Life of Prayer. He is a husband and father of six girls.

Picture of Jim Orrick

Jim Orrick

Dr. Jim Orrick is the pastor of Bullitt Lick Baptist Church in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. Over the past 40 years, Dr. Orrick has served in many capacities as an author, professor, poet, musician, speaker, and pastor. Some of his books include Mere Calvinism and Seven Thoughts that Every Christian Ought to Think Every Day: Laying a Foundation for a Life of Prayer. He is a husband and father of six girls.