This month marked the release of Dr. Stephen J. Wellum’s Systematic Theology: From Canon to Concept, Volume 1. Lord willing, the labors of this work will bear much fruit as the church is equipped to do theology on the Bible’s own terms. This book, however, is far from the first edifying piece that Dr. Wellum has written. As the bibliography below demonstrates, Dr. Wellum has long served the church through a remarkable ministry of writing. We are grateful to God for his labors, and we trust that this bibliography will provide a starting place for much good reading. Tolle lege!
Table of Contents
Books Authored, Co-Authored, or Co-Edited
Chapters Contributed to Multi-author Books
Journal Articles
Editorials in Southern Baptist Journal of Theology
Internet Articles
— Articles on Christ Over All
— Articles on Credo
— Articles on Crossway
— Articles on desiring God
— Articles on The Gospel Coalition
— Articles on Southern Equip
Other (audio/video, dissertation, papers, etc.)
Books Authored, Co-Authored, or Co-Edited
Peter J. Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum, Kingdom through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants, 1st ed. (Wheaton: Crossway, 2012); 2nd ed. (Wheaton: Crossway, 2018).
Peter J. Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum, God’s Kingdom through God’s Covenants: A Concise Biblical Theology (Wheaton: Crossway, 2015).
Building on the Foundations of Evangelical Theology: Essays in Honor of John S. Feinberg, eds. Gregg R. Allison and Stephen J. Wellum (Wheaton: Crossway, 2015).
Progressive Covenantalism, eds. Stephen J. Wellum and Brent E. Parker (Nashville: B&H, 2016).
God the Son Incarnate: The Doctrine of Christ, Foundations of Evangelical Theology Series, gen. ed. John S. Feinberg (Wheaton: Crossway, 2016).
Christ Alone: The Uniqueness of Jesus as Savior, What Reformers Taught . . .and Why It Still Matters, The 5 Solas Series, ed. Matthew Barrett (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Academic, 2017).
Trent Hunter and Stephen J. Wellum, Christ from Beginning to End: How the Full Story of Scripture Reveals the Full Glory of Christ, (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2018).
The Person of Christ: An Introduction, Short Studies in Systematic Theology, eds. Graham A. Cole and Oren R. Martin (Wheaton: Crossway, 2021).
Systematic Theology, Volume 1: From Canon to Concept (Brentwood: B&H Academic, 2024).
Chapters Contributed to Multi-author Books
“The Means of Grace: Baptism,” in The Compromised Church, ed. J. H. Armstrong (Wheaton: Crossway, 1998), pp. 149–170.
“God the Creator.” In A Foundation for Life: A Study of Key Christian Doctrines and Their Application, ed. Michael A. G. Haykin (Burlington, Ontario: Joshua Press, 2002), 11-20.
“The Inerrancy of Scripture,” in Beyond the Bounds: Open Theism and the Undermining of Biblical Christianity, eds. Paul K. Helseth, Justin Taylor, and John Piper (Wheaton: Crossway, 2003), pp. 237–274.
“Postconservatism, Biblical Authority, and Recent Proposals for Re-Doing Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis,” in Reclaiming the Center: Confronting Evangelical Accommodation in Postmodern Times, eds. Millard J. Erickson, Paul Kjoss Helseth, and Justin Taylor (Wheaton: Crossway, 2004), pp. 161–197.
“Baptism and the Relationship Between the Covenants,” in Believer’s Baptism: Sign of the New Covenant in Christ, eds. Thomas R. Schreiner and Shawn D. Wright, NAC Studies in Bible & Theology, ed. E. Ray Clendenen (Nashville: B&H Academic, 2006), pp. 97–161.[1]
1. The page numbers differ in the PDF from the final published edition. In the PDF they are 105–170. See also Justin Taylor, “Interview with Steve Wellum on Baptism and the Covenants” (6 SEP 2007).
“Preaching Christ Crucified Today: Recovering the True Scandal of the Cross,” in Ministry of Grace: Essays in Honor of John G. Reisinger, ed. Steve West (Frederick: New Covenant Media, 2007) pp. 107-144.
“Saving Faith: Implicit or Explicit,” in Faith Comes by Hearing: A Response to Inclusivism (Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2008), pp. 142–183.
“The Deity of Christ in the Synoptic Gospels,” and “The Deity of Christ in the Apostolic Witness,” in The Deity of Christ, Theology in Community, Vol. 3, eds. Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson (Wheaton: Crossway, 2011), pp. 39–59, 115–149, s.v. chs. 3, 5.
“God’s Sovereignty Over Evil,” in Whomever He Wills: A Surprising Display of Sovereign Mercy, eds. Matthew M. Barrett and Thomas J. Nettles (Cape Coral: Founders, 2012), pp. 231–268.
“The New Covenant Work of Christ: Priesthood, Atonement, and Intercession,” in From Heaven He Came and Sought Her: Definite Atonement in Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective, eds. David Gibson and Jonathan Gibson (Wheaton: Crossway, 2013), pp. 517–539.
“Beyond Mere Ecclesiology: The Church as God’s New Covenant Community,” in The Community of Jesus: A Theology of the Church, eds. Kendell H. Easley and Christopher W. Morgan (Nashville: B&H Academic, 2013), pp. 183–212.
“Heaven in Paul’s Letters,” in Heaven, Theology in Community, Vol. 6, eds. Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson (Wheaton: Crossway, 2014), pp. 83–109.
Stephen J. Wellum and Kirk Wellum, “The Biblical and Theological Case for Congregationalism,” in Baptist Foundations: Church Government for an Anti-Institutional Age, eds. Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman (Nashville: B&H Academic, 2015), pp. 47–78.
“Evangelical Christology and Kenotic Influences: A “New” and “Better” Way?,” in Building on the Foundations of Evangelical Theology: Essays in Honor of John S. Feinberg, eds. Gregg R. Allison and Stephen J. Wellum (Wheaton: Crossway, 2015), pp. 206–234.
“Progressive Covenantalism and the Doing of Ethics,” in Progressive Covenantalism, eds. Stephen J. Wellum, and Brent E. Parker (Nashville: B&H, 2016), pp. 215–234.[2]
2. An advance presentation of this chapter was delivered as a paper, “Doing Ethics from a Progressive Covenantal View,” on 18 NOV 2015 at the Progressive Covenantalism Session during the annual meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society, Atlanta, GA.
“Church and State: Theological Perspectives,” in Desiring a Better Country: 150 years of Christian Witness in Canada: Legacy & Relevance, eds. Chance Faulkner, Michael A.G. Haykin, and Corey M.K. Hughes, rev. ed. (Peterborough, Ontario: H&E, 2019, 2020), pp. 87–118.
“Progressive Covenantalism,” and “A Progressive Covenantalism Response,” in Covenantal and Dispensational Theologies: Four Views on the Continuity of Scripture, eds. Brent E. Parker and Richard J. Lucas, Spectrum Multiview Book Series (Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2022), pp. 74–111, 201–220, s.v. Chs. 2, 6.
Journal Articles
“The Importance of the Nature of Divine Sovereignty for Our View of Scripture,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 4:2 (Summer 2000), pp. 76–89.
“The Openness Of God: A Critical Assessment,” Reformation and Revival 10:3 (Summer 2001), pp. 137–155.
“Divine Sovereignty-Omniscience, Inerrancy, And Open Theism: An Evaluation,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 45:2 (Jun 2002), pp. 257–277.
“Francis A. Schaeffer (1912–1984): Lessons from His Thought and Life,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 6:2 (Summer 2002), pp. 4–32.
“Christ’s Resurrection and Ours (1 Corinthians 15),” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 6:3 (Fall 2002), pp. 76–93.
“An Evaluation of the Son-Spirit Relation in Clark Pinnock’s Inclusivism: An Exercise in Trinitarian Reflection,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 10:1 (Spring 2006), pp. 4–23.
“Irenic and Unpersuasive,” Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood 15:2 (Fall 2010), pp. 37–47; a review of Millard J. Erickson, Who’s Tampering with the Trinity? An Assessment of the Subordination Debate (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2009).
“Christological Reflections In Light Of Scripture’s Covenants,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 16:2 (Summer 2012), pp. 44–55.
“A Critical Appreciation Of Kevin Vanhoozer’s Remythologizing Theology,” Southeastern Theological Review 4:1 (Summer 2013), pp. 11–29.
“Solus Christus: What The Reformers Taught And Why It Still Matters,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 19:4 (Winter 2015), pp. 79–107.
“Retrieval, Christology, and Sola Scriptura,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 23:2 (Summer 2019), pp. 35–59.
“From Alpha To Omega: A Biblical-Theological Approach To God The Son Incarnate,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 63:1 (Mar 2020), pp. 71–94; paper delivered as plenary address 22 NOV 2019 at 71st annual meeting of Evangelical Theological Society in San Diego, CA.
“Karl Barth, Natural Revelation, And Its Implications For Ethics,” Eikon 2:2 (Fall 2020), pp. 128–141.
“Reflections On Covenant Theology From A Progressive Covenantal View,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 26:1 (Spring 2022), pp. 164–187.
Editorials in Southern Baptist Journal of Theology
“Editorial: Guard the Gospel of Truth,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 7:3 (Fall 2003), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Taking Every Thought Captive to Christ,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 7:4 (Winter 2003), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Facing Up to the Challenge,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 8:1 (Spring 2004), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: The Gospel and Racial Reconciliation,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 8:2 (Summer 2004), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Proclaiming Jesus, the Servant King,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 8:3 (Fall 2004), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Remembering Carl F. H. Henry (1913–2003),” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 8:4 (Winter 2004), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Past, Present, and Future,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 9:1 (Spring 2005), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Evangelicalism, Mormonism, and the Gospel,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 9:2 (Summer 2005), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Proclaim the Whole Counsel of God,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 9:3 (Fall 2005), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Missions as a Display of God’s Glory,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 9:4 (Winter 2005), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: God in Three Persons, Blessed Trinity,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 10:1 (Spring 2006), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Preaching and Teaching the Whole Counsel of God,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 10:2 (Summer 2006), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Learning from John Today,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 10:3 (Fall 2006), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: “Spirituality” — Caveat Emptor,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 10:4 (Winter 2006), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: The Doctrine Of Creation Matters,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 11:1 (Spring 2007), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Articulating, Defending, And Proclaiming Christ Our Substitute,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 11:2 (Summer 2007), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Learning From The Epistle To The Romans,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 11:3 (Fall 2007), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Reflecting On Our Christian Responsibility To The State,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 11:4 (Winter 2007), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Reflecting on the Kingdom of God,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 12:1 (Spring 2008), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 12:2 (Summer 2008), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Reading and Applying the Book of Exodus Today,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 12:3 (Fall 2008), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: “Biblical Theology”— Reflections on its Importance,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 12:4 (Winter 2008), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Celebrating God’s Faithfulness To Southern Seminary,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 13:1 (Spring 2009), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: The Urgent Need For A Theological Anthropology Today,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 13:2 (Summer 2009), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Preaching And Teaching The Parables Of Jesus,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 13:3 (Fall 2009), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: John Calvin: Reflecting Upon One Of God’s Gifts To The Church,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 13:4 (Winter 2009), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Thinking Biblically And Theologically About Eschatology,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 14:1 (Spring 2010), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Reflecting Upon The ‘Theological Interpretation Of Scripture’,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 14:2 (Summer 2010), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Reflections On The Importance Of Galatians For Today,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 14:3 (Fall 2010), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Learning From The Puritans,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 14:4 (Winter 2010), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Debating The Historicity Of Adam: Does It Matter?,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 15:1 (Spring 2011), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Reflections On The Great Commission,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 15:2 (Summer 2011), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Recovering The Message Of Ecclesiastes For The Church Today,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 15:3 (Fall 2011), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Celebrating The 400th Anniversary Of The King James Bible,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 15:4 (Winter 2011), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Our Greatest Need and Privilege: Knowing our Triune God,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 16:1 (Spring 2012), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Knowing, Adoring, And Proclaiming God The Son Incarnate,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 16:2 (Summer 2012), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Reading Luke’s Passion Narrative In Light Of The Whole Story,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 16:3 (Fall 2012), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: The Glorious Work Of God The Holy Spirit,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 16:4 (Winter 2012), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Learning From The Life And Ministry Of Andrew Fuller,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 17:1 (Spring 2013), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Continuing To Learn From Andrew Fuller (1754-1815),” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 17:2 (Summer 2013), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: The Glory Of Christ In Colossians,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 17:3 (Fall 2013), pg. 2–3.
“Editorial: Reflections On Living In Light Of Sin And Evil,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 17:4 (Winter 2013), pp. 2–5; republished as “How Easter relates to suffering: five reflections on living in light of sin and evil – Part 1” (April 16, 2014); and “How Easter relates to suffering: five reflections on living in light of sin and evil – Part II” (April 18, 2014).
“Editorial: Thinking About The New Covenant And Persecution,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 18:1 (Spring 2014), pp. 3–5.
“Editorial: The Life And Legacy Of George Whitefield (1714-1770),” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 18:2 (Summer 2014), pp. 3–5.
“Editorial: Reading Deuteronomy For God’s People Today,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 18:3 (Fall 2014), pp. 3–5.
“Editorial: Reflections On The Glorious Resurrection Of Our Lord Jesus Christ,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 18:4 (Winter 2014), pp. 5–7.
“Editorial: Reflecting On The Greatest Person Imaginable: God The Son Incarnate,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 19:1 (Spring 2015), pp. 5–8.
“Editorial: Living All Of Life To God’s Glory,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 19:2 (Summer 2015), pp. 5–7.
“Editorial: Learning From Paul’s Second Letter To Corinth,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 19:3 (Fall 2015), pp. 5–7.
“Editorial: Remembering The Reformation By Reflecting On Its ‘Solas’” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 19:4 (Winter 2015), pp. 5–8.
“Editorial: Reflections On The Significance Of Biblical Theology,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 20:1 (Spring 2016), pp. 5–8.
“Editorial: Proclaiming The Gospel To Islam,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 20:2 (Summer 2016), pp. 5–8.
“Editorial: Reading And Apply Malachi Today,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 20:3 (Fall 2016), pp. 5–8.
“Editorial: Learning From John Owen,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 20:4 (Winter 2016), pp. 5–8.
“Editorial: Thinking About Typology,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 21:1 (Spring 2017), pp. 5–9.
“Editorial: Our Glorious Triune God,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 21:2 (Summer 2017), pp. 5–8.
“Editorial: Learning With Peter To ‘Stand Firm In God’s Grace’,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 21:3 (Fall 2017), pp. 5–9.
“Editorial: Celebrating The Reformation By Remembering The Legacy Of Martin Luther,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 21:4 (Winter 2017), pp. 5–9.
“Editorial: Thinking Theologically about Vocation and Work,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 22:1 (Spring 2018), pp. 5–8.
“Editorial: Reflecting on Priests, Priesthood, and the Glory of Christ,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 22:2 (Summer 2018), pp. 5–8.
“Editorial: Preaching the Glory of Christ from a ‘Whole Bible’,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 22:3 (Fall 2018), pp. 3–6.
“Editorial: Reflections On Vocation,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 22:4 (Winter 2018), pp. 3–6.
“Editorial: Ruminations On Priests And Priesthood In Scripture And Theology,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 23:1 (Spring 2019), pp. 3–6.
“Editorial: Reflections On Retrieval And The Doing Of Theology,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 23:2 (Summer 2019), pp. 3–6.
“Editorial: Expectations And Responsibilities For The Church Until Jesus Comes,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 23:3 (Fall 2019), pp. 3–6.
“Editorial: Christ Is Better!,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 24:1 (Spring 2020), pp. 3–7.
“Editorial: Honoring The 65th Anniversary Of L’Abri,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 24:2 (Summer 2020), pp. 3–9.
“Editorial: Defending Biblical Authority On The Textual Front,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 24:3 (Fall 2020), pp. 5–8.
“Editorial: Remembering The Life And Theology Of John Gill (1697–1771),” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 25:1 (Spring 2021), pp. 5–8.
“Editorial: God’s Messengers: Theological Reflections On Angels,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 25:2 (Summer 2021), pp. 5–8.
“Editorial: Reflections On Reading The Psalter,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 25:3 (Fall 2021), pp. 5–8.
“Editorial: The Importance Of Covenants In Scripture And Theology,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 26:1 (Spring 2022), pp. 5–9.
“Editorial: The Importance Of Biblical Authority For The Life And Health Of The Church,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 26:2 (Summer 2022), pp. 5–8.
“Editorial: Further Reflections On The Importance Of Scripture For Theology And The Church,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 26:3 (Fall 2022), pp. 5–8.
“Editorial: Lessons to Learn from Christianity and Liberalism a Century Later,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 27:1 (2023), pp. 5–12.
“Editorial: Learning from the Cappadocians,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 27:2 (2023), pp. 5–8.
Internet Articles
Articles on Christ Over All
“Why Christ Over All: Christ Over All” (19 SEP 2022).
“Why Christ Over All: Christ Over Doctrine” (28 SEP 2022).
“A Christian Manifesto for the 21st Century: Francis A. Schaeffer: The Legacy of His Life and Thought” (17 OCT 2022).
“Christology for Christmas: 10 Truths Everyone Must Know about the Incarnation” (30 DEC 2022).
“Civil Rights (and Wrongs): What the Church Needs to Know and (Un)Do; Thinking Biblically and Theologically about Justice” (17 JUL 2023).
“A Primer on Progressive Covenantalism: What is Progressive Covenantalism? Part 1” (5 SEP 2023).
“A Primer on Progressive Covenantalism: How to Interpret the Covenants and the Nature of Typology: A Companion Article” (6 SEP 2023), on Christ Over All.
“A Primer on Progressive Covenantalism: What is Progressive Covenantalism? Part 2” (18 SEP 2023).
“A Biblical View of Israel: What Should Christians Think about the Nation of Israel Today?” (22 JAN 2024).
“Theology by the Book: An Excerpt from Stephen Wellum’s Systematic Theology, Volume 1: From Canon to Concept” (5 FEB 2024).
Articles on Credo
“Ideas Have Consequences,” Credo Magazine 2:5 (OCT 2012), pp. 43–55.
“This article is a revised and edited version of “Francis A. Schaeffer (1912–1984): Lessons from His Thought and Life,” SBJT 6:2 (2002:4–32. It is republished here with permission.” Op. cit., pg. 55, endnote 1.
“Speaking the Truth in Love: Lessons from the Life of Francis Schaeffer,” Credo Magazine 2:5 (OCT 2012), pp. 56–62.
“This article is a revised and edited version of “Francis A. Schaeffer (1912–1984): Lessons from His Thought and Life,” SBJT 6:2 (2002:4–32. It is republished here with permission.” Op. cit., pg. 62, endnote 1.
William Edgar, Os Guinness, Stephen Wellum, and Bruce A. Little, “From the Horse’s Mouth: ‘How has Francis Schaeffer impacted your life and ministry,” Credo Magazine 2:5 (OCT 2012), pp. 10–11, s.v. pg. 11.
Peter Gentry and Stephen Wellum, “A Response to Zaspel’s Review (Peter Gentry and Stephen Wellum)” (26 NOV 2012).
Matthew Barrett with Thomas Schreiner, T. Desmond Alexander, Gregory K. Beale, Peter J. Gentry, and Stephen J. Wellum, “Putting the Whole Bible Together: Five Biblical Theologians Share What They Have Learned About the Storyline of the Bible,” Credo Magazine 3:4 (NOV 2013), pp. 56–77, s.v. pp. 69–77.
“Solus Christus: Stephen Wellum and Matthew Barrett discuss why everything centers on the person and work of Jesus Christ,” Credo Magazine 7:1 (2017).
“Getting the God of the cross right…and very wrong: A response to Fleming Rutledge,” Credo Magazine 8:1 (2018).
Articles on Crossway
Gregg R. Allison and Stephen J. Wellum, “Who Is John Feinberg?” (29 JUL 2015).
“This article is adapted from the introduction to Building on the Foundations of Evangelical Theology: Essays in Honor of John S. Feinberg, edited by Gregg R. Allison and Stephen J. Wellum.”
Peter J. Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum, “The Backbone of the Bible” (4 AUG 2015).
“This article is adapted from God’s Kingdom through God’s Covenants: A Concise Biblical Theology by Peter J. Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum.”
Peter J. Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum, “Why All Christians Should Care about Systematic Theology” (31 AUG 2015).
“This article is adapted from God’s Kingdom through God’s Covenants: A Concise Biblical Theology by Peter J. Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum.”
“Are Christ’s Human Limitations Permanent?” (10 NOV 2016).
“This article is an excerpt from God the Son Incarnate: The Doctrine of Christ by Stephen J. Wellum.”
“Could Christ Have Sinned?” (23 NOV 2016).
“This article is adapted from God the Son Incarnate: The Doctrine of Christ by Stephen J. Wellum.”
“10 Things You Should Know about the Incarnation” (21 DEC 2016).
Peter J. Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum, “The Middle Ground between Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology” (17 JUL 2018).
“This article is adapted from Kingdom Through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants (Second Edition) By Peter J. Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum.”
Stephen J. Wellum, and Peter J. Gentry, “What’s New about the Revised Edition of ‘Kingdom through Covenant’?” (24 JUL 2018).
“The Church’s Greatest Need” (2 FEB 2021).
“This article is adapted from The Person of Christ: An Introduction by Stephen J. Wellum.”
“An Open Letter to the Evangelical Church on Christology” (4 FEB 2021).
“What the Atonement Means for You” (10 AUG 2021).
Articles on Desiring God
“The Hill We All Must Die On: Four Questions to Ask About Atonement” (4 MAY 2019).
“Dispensational or Covenantal? The Promise and Progress of Salvation in Christ” (21 FEB 2023).
Articles on The Gospel Coalition
Peter Gentry, and Stephen Wellum, “‘Kingdom through Covenant’ Authors Respond to Bock, Moo, Horton” (September 20, 2012) ).
Book Review: “Taking God at His Word: Why the Bible Is Knowable, Necessary, and Enough, and What That Means for You and Me” (June 2, 2014).
“10 Things You Should Know About the Incarnation,” (December 24, 2016).
“If All My Sins Are Forgiven, Why Must I Continue to Repent?” (September 5, 2017).
“Lose Christ Alone, Lose Christianity” (October 26, 2017).
“4 Things You Can’t Do without Systematic Theology” (December 26, 2017).
“Does the Bible Teach an Age of Accountability?” (October 1, 2018).
“The Federal Vision” (April 13, 2020).
“Degrees of Sin” (April 13, 2020).
“Progressive Covenantalism and New Covenant Theology” (April 13, 2020).
“The Story and Message of the Bible” (April 13, 2020).
“Water Baptism” (April 13, 2020).
“The Law of God” (April 13, 2020).
“Divine Incomprehensibility and the Knowledge of God” (April 13, 2020).
“The Incarnation and Two Natures of Christ” (April 13, 2020).
“The Death of Christ” (April 13, 2020).
“3 Reasons Sunday Is Not the Christian Sabbath” (October 27, 2020).
“Best Defense of Reformed Paedobaptist Covenant Theology, Review: ‘Covenant Theology: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Perspectives’” (November 13, 2020).
Articles on Southern Equip
“Why the Great Commission Isn’t Just for Missionaries” (February 24, 2014).
“How Easter relates to suffering: five reflections on living in light of sin and evil – Part 1” (April 16, 2014). Originally published in the winter 2013 issue of the Southern Baptist Journal of Theology “Editorial: Reflections On Living In Light Of Sin And Evil,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 17:4 (Winter 2013), pp. 2–5.
“How Easter relates to suffering: five reflections on living in light of sin and evil – Part II” (April 18, 2014). Originally published in the winter 2013 issue of the Southern Baptist Journal of Theology “Editorial: Reflections On Living In Light Of Sin And Evil,” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 17:4 (Winter 2013), pp. 2–5.
Stephen J. Wellum, and other members of the Southern Seminary faculty, “The Bible’s storyline in the life of the church” (May 1, 2014).
Other (audio/video, dissertation, papers, etc.)
An Investigation of the Interrelationship Between the Doctrines of Divine Action, Sovereignty, Omniscience, and Scripture and its Significance for Contemporary Debates on Biblical Authority (PhD diss.; Deerfield: Trinity International University, June 1996); available at Rolfing Memorial Library, Dissertation (Downstairs); BS480 .W445x 1996.
“The Backbone to the Bible’s Storyline”: Stephen Wellum on Progressive Covenantalism.” (15 SEP 2017), lecture (55:19 audio) hosted by the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture and Office of Ph.D. Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
“Progressive Covenantalism,” paper presented during Plenary Session 1 at the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society Southwest Region (31 MAR–1 APR 2017) at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, TX. See also Justin Taylor, “An Outstanding Introduction to Biblical Theology” (11 MAY 2017).
“Progressive Covenantalism” (4 SEP 2019), lecture hosted by The Center for Faith and Culture and Office of Ph.D. Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (55:18 video).
“Dr. Stephen Wellum Explains Progressive Covenantalism” (7:17 video), posted 25 APR 2016 by B&H Academic.
“The Use of Inaugurated Eschatology in Covenant and Dispensational Theology: A Review and Critique,” paper presented 16 NOV 2016 at the Progressive Covenantalism Session during the annual meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society, San Antonio, TX.
Soli Deo Gloria