Theme | April 2023

Behold the Man: Meditations on Jesus Christ, His Death, and Resurrection

The hinge of human history is a man—the man, Jesus Christ. Suspended between heaven and earth, the God-man took hold of the cosmos and turned the world upside down with his death and resurrection. But why? Who is this man, and why did he have to die? Why was his tomb empty on the third day, and what do these things mean—both then and now? In April, we plan to “behold the man”—as we explore the weight of Christ’s perfect life, vicarious death, and glorious resurrection.

Table of Contents

2.15 Lee Tankersley • Reading • “Does Penal Substitution Require the Resurrection?”

By Lee Tankersley • Podcast Reading • April 3
If Jesus died to pay for our sins, does the resurrection even matter? It certainly does! When Jesus walked out of the grave, he authoritatively declared that sin's penalty had been paid in full so that we might say with confidence, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

Does Penal Substitution Require the Resurrection?

By Lee Tankersley • Longform Essay • April 3
If Jesus died to pay for our sins, does the resurrection even matter? It certainly does! When Jesus walked out of the grave, he authoritatively declared that sin's penalty had been paid in full so that we might say with confidence, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

Signs Foreshadowing the Cross in John’s Gospel

By Ardel Caneday • Concise Article • April 5
Like a good mystery novel, John's gospel weaves in subtle clues along the way as to who Jesus really is. How do Jesus's signs at the beginning of his ministry foreshadow his coming death and resurrection?

Penal Substitution and Other Atonement Theologies

By Stephen Wellum • Concise Article • April 7
What did Jesus accomplish on the cross? While theories on the atonement abound, only penal substitutionary atonement grasps humanity's central problem: our sin before a holy God.

Substitution and Divine Love

By J.I. Packer • Concise Article • April 10
How do you respond when someone calls Penal Substitutionary Atonement "divine child abuse"? Hopefully you've read this article beforehand.

2.16 Lee Tankersley, David Schrock, Stephen Wellum • Interview • “Does Penal Substitution Require the Resurrection?”

By Lee Tankersley, David Schrock, Stephen Wellum • Podcast Interview • April 10
If Jesus died to pay for our sins, does the resurrection even matter? It certainly does! When Jesus walked out of the grave, he authoritatively declared that sin's penalty had been paid in full so that we might say with confidence, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

The Lamb of God: A Pattern of Redemption

By David Christensen • Concise Article • April 12
John calls Jesus the Lamb of God, but what exactly does that mean? We need to read our whole Bible to find out.

The Gospel is Better than Amnesty

By Jonathon Woodyard • Concise Article • April 14
God does not deal with our sins by simply granting amnesty, choosing to forget they ever happened. Instead, he mercifully forgives sin, yet maintains his perfect justice by punishing sin in Christ.

The Resurrection and the Life: Our Risen Savior and Our Certain Hope

By Mitch Chase • Longform Essay • April 17
The Christian hope of resurrection—long foretold by the prophets—was guaranteed when Jesus walked out of the grave, securing life for his people and bringing death to Death.

2.18 Mitch Chase • Reading • “The Resurrection and the Life: Our Risen Savior and Our Certain Hope”

By Mitch Chase • Podcast Reading • April 17
The Christian hope of resurrection—long foretold by the prophets—was guaranteed when Jesus walked out of the grave, securing life for his people and bringing death to Death.

Antifragile Apologetics: The Physical Resurrection of Jesus Christ in Biblical Worldview

By Chris Bolt • Concise Article • April 19
What's the opposite of fragile? Sturdy doesn't cut it. That which is "antifragile" doesn't simply withstand pressure, but actually grows stronger through it. So, what are some antifragile apologetics for the resurrection?

Eight Glories of the Cross

By Michael Carlino • Concise Article • April 21
How does the Bible present the work of Christ on the cross? And how do these diverse vantage points all relate to penal substitution? Read these eight summaries of Dr. Stephen Wellum's work to find out.

Christ the King Victorious

By Josh Sherrell • Concise Article • April 24
Slaves to sin and enemies with God. Who can deliver from such a hopeless state? Only the Priest-King Jesus Christ, who conquers death by entering the grave himself.

2.19 Mitch Chase, David Schrock, Stephen Wellum • Interview • “The Resurrection and the Life: Our Risen Savior and Our Certain Hope”

By Mitch Chase, David Schrock, Stephen Wellum • Podcast Interview • April 24
The Christian hope of resurrection—long foretold by the prophets—was guaranteed when Jesus walked out of the grave, securing life for his people and bringing death to Death.

Living in the Light of the Resurrection

By Brian Vickers • Concise Article • April 26
Yes, the resurrection gives hope for the future, but what about today? How does this hope spur us on toward holiness and hard work?

The Clothes Make the Man: Seeing the Priesthood of Christ in John’s Gospel

By David Schrock • Concise Article • April 27
Be it a suit and tie, an apron, or a bullet-proof vest, clothes speak volumes regarding the work we do. So what do Christ's clothes tell us about the work he did?

Christian Resurrection Versus Sexual Gnosticism

By P. Andrew Sandlin • Concise Article • April 28
What does the ancient heresy of Gnosticism have to do with the modern so-called "Transgender" Movement? And what does Jesus's resurrection have to say about how we think about our bodies?

April Intermission: From the Person and Work of Christ to the Christian Home

By David Schrock • Concise Article • May 1
The work of Jesus Christ is the bedrock of the Christian faith. His penal substitutionary death solved our greatest problem, and his resurrection guaranteed our certain hope. Here, we provide a recap of April 2023's articles and a preview of our glorious theme in May: God's beautiful design of the Christian home.
