Theme | January 2023

Roe v. Wade at 50 After Dobbs

January 22, 2023 marks the fiftieth anniversary of Roe v. Wade, only that court decision didn’t make fifty years. Hallelujah!! Rather, in answer to five decades of prayer and perspiration, the Lord granted America a Jubilee from the court decision which opened abortion on demand to all fifty states. Now, after the Dobbs decision, abortion remains a blood sacrament in our country, but its access is slipping. Or it could be, if we can continue to pray, work, and plan for its demise. To that end, we will offer a series of biblical, ethical, legal, and practical reflections on abortion this month. May God end this scourge in our generation!

Table of Contents

If the Lord Wills: Where Christ Over All is Going in 2023

By David Schrock • Concise Article • January 1
In 2023 we will cover topics from Roe v. Wade to roles in the church to Civil Rights to Progressive Covenantalism to Christian Nationalism and more—all Lord willing!

Roe at 50: Reflections and the Road Ahead

By David Closson • Longform Essay • January 2
What is the History of the Roe v. Wade supreme court decision, what did the Dobbs decision accomplish, and where do Christians go from here?

2.1 David Schrock • Christ Over All in 2023: A Preview

By David Schrock • Podcast Introduction • January 2
What are the exciting topics that Christ Over All plans to tackle in 2023, Lord willing? Tune in to find out!

Should We Be “Whole Life Pro-Life”?

By Brad Green • Concise Article • January 4
Is merely fighting abortion insufficient to be truly pro-life? Or is more required?

The Pro-Life Legacy of Francis Schaeffer

By Christopher Talbot • Concise Article • January 6
How and why did Francis Schaeffer father the "pro-life" movement?

The Economics of Abortion in One Lesson

By Kevin DeYoung • Concise Article • January 9
What domino-like effects are overlooked when abortion is the norm? And what would happen if this was put to an end?

2.2 David Closson • Reading • “Roe at 50: Reflections and the Road Ahead”

By David Closson • Podcast Reading • January 9
What is the History of the Roe v. Wade supreme court decision, what did the Dobbs decision accomplish, and where do Christians go from here? Listen in as David Closson reads his essay on this important topic.

Abortion and the Elimination of the Black Community

By Marla Helseth • Concise Article • January 10
What effect has abortion had on the Black community in particular? And how ought Christians respond?

Don’t Women Need Access to Abortion for Rape?

By Andy Naselli • Concise Article • January 13
If a conception occurred through a heinous act of rape, should the child be aborted? Should Christians end all abortion except for cases of rape?

How One Nineties Youth Pastor Fought Abortion With A Song

By Trent Hunter • Concise Article • January 16
In the fight against abortion, we need more than just arguments. We need music—and much more.

2.3 David Closson, Jared Bridges, David Schrock • Interview • “Roe at 50: Reflections and the Road Ahead”

By David Closson • Podcast Reading • January 9
What is the History of the Roe v. Wade supreme court decision, what did the Dobbs decision accomplish, and where do Christians go from here? Listen in as David Closson, Jared Bridges, and David Schrock discuss these issues and more.

Regarding ‘Friendly Fire’ Among Evangelicals over Abortion

By Mark Coppenger • Concise Article • January 18
Incrementalists strongly advocate for a step-by-step approach to ending abortion, while abolitionist advocate for all-or-nothing. What's a Christian to do?

What Shall We Make of Ectopic Pregnancy?

By Mark Coppenger • Concise Article • January 19
What is an ectopic pregnancy, how does it factor in the fight to end abortion, and what ought be done about it?

For The Kids Nobody Wants: Imagine There’s No Children

By David Schrock • Concise Article • January 20
The problem behind abortion is not merely a matter of laws and policies. It is a matter of what people feel to be good and right and beautiful: the social imaginary.

For the Kids Nobody Wants: Longing for and Loving the Little Ones

By David Schrock • Longform Essay • January 23
In order to end abortion, we need to consider what Scripture tells us about the blessedness of children and why we must protect the unborn and offer a new set of images, stories, and celebrations that reform our social imaginaries. Here are four truths that move us in that direction.

2.4 David Schrock • Reading • “For the Kids Nobody Wants: Longing for and Loving the Little Ones”

By David Schrock • Podcast Reading • January 23
In order to end abortion, we need to consider what Scripture tells us about the blessedness of children and why we must protect the unborn and offer a new set of images, stories, and celebrations that reform our social imaginaries. Here are four truths that move us in that direction.

From Margaret to Martin to Mothers Today: Exposing the Negro Project and Its Deadly Effects

By Virgil Walker • Concise Article • January 24
What links Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, and Martin Luther King Jr, the leader of the Civil Rights movement, and what influence does this link carry today?

Dobbs v. Jackson: A Victory for Life and Liberty

By John Avery • Concise Article • January 25
On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court decided Dobbs v. Jackson, which overturned Roe v. Wade. What legal history led to this momentous and life-saving decision?

Living in a Post-Roe World: A Future Pro-Life Strategy

By John Avery • Concise Article • January 26
Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, what is a wise pro-life strategy? Read about four next steps that span from the local to the state to the federal level.

Abortion, the Christian Conscience, and the Stewardship of Voting

By Aaron O'Kelley • Concise Article • January 27
As long as we remain pro-life in our hearts, does the choice of which politicians we entrust with power remain morally indifferent?

One-Issue Voting: A Red Herring, Not a Real Objection

By Stephen Wellum • Concise Article • January 27
Is it irresponsible to be a "single-issue" voter, when the issue reveals the most basic beliefs on human life and dignity?

Abortion or Feticide: Words Matter When Life Hangs in the Balance

By Trent Hunter • Concise Article • January 30
Euphemisms are deadly. Especially when they speak about tiny human beings in the wombs of their mothers.

2.5 David Schrock, Trent Hunter, Stephen Wellum • Interview • “For the Kids Nobody Wants: Longing for and Loving the Little Ones”

By David Schrock, Trent Hunter, Stephen Wellum • Podcast Interview • January 30
In order to end abortion, we need to consider what Scripture tells us about the blessedness of children and why we must protect the unborn and offer a new set of images, stories, and celebrations that reform our social imaginaries. Listen to David Schrock, Trent Hunter, and Stephen Wellum discuss four truths that move us in that direction.

Abortion and the Local Church in the Post-Roe Era

By Celeste Eagle • Concise Article • January 31
What place do Pregnancy Care Centers have in relation to the local church? And how might churches seek a renewed focus on the Great Commission in a Post-Roe era?

The Intermission: From Standing Against Abortion to Seeking Ways to Love Thy Neighbor

By David Schrock • Concise Article • January 31
Fighting for life in the womb is part of a much larger goal to love thy neighbor. As we transition to our next theme, we consider the various facets of love—what is true, what is not, and what is of God.
